Grade 11 Class Rules and Grading System

Grading System and Class Rules

Grade Element Points
Final Exam 50 Points
*Assessments + Assignments 20 Points
**Performance Particpation and Behavior 10 Points
***Attendance 10 Points
Project 10 Points

Please Note:

* Late assignments get 25% off

** Performance and Behavior start at 5. Good behavior, receive bonus points. Bad behavior decreases your score.

Good Behavior  such as

  •  helping others
  • particpating in class
  • or assisting the teacher get bonus points
  • and increase the score.

Bad behavior such as:

  • eating (which is completely forbidden in the lab)
  • littering
  • being rowdy and misbehvaing

***  Attendance is worth 10 points, which is almost ½ percent off for each class missed.

You also need to be punctual and on time so 3 lates count for an absence.

Finally, no permission to leave the lab unless under extreme circumstances.

Final Project and Assignment (25/20)%

Dear Students of grade 11,

Here are your Project Requirements, I need you to do 2 of the following 3 things:

  • Add a Cascading Style Sheet to your website (CSS)
  • Create a blog
  • Upload your website unto (or any other domain)
        if you create a blog, add a link to it from your website.
Now for you to be able to do any of the previous requirements you should refer to the material uploaded in the Grade 11 Material post.
The project is out of 10%. Each of the requirements counts for 5 %. Doing all three will give you  a total of 15 out of 10%.
As for the HW  (the remaining 10%)
  • I need you to write ten things you have learnt in IT during the school year . Please be honest in your response and I hope you do more than reciting material, like (explain a new concept you’ve learnt or a new technology you  have dealt with or a new skill that you can now develop or master… )
  • Each point will count for a 1%
  • list all your points as a comment on my post  things I have learnt so far
If you have any questions please feel free to leave comments below, maybe others would learn from the feedback. Feel free to answer each others questions as well..
Best of Luck in all.
Miss Mary.

Things I have learnt so far…

Dear students of grade 11,

I want you to use the space here to comment on what you have learnt so far throughout the course. Share with your colleagues  interesting new things that you have  learnt about IT, not nessairly learnt inside the classroom. Maybe a video you watched, a blog post you saw.. or just an interesting concept that hit you.

I expect you to write 10 things and it will be counted towards your HW grade.

PS: When you comment please specify your Full Name and Class. Thank you.

Miss Mary.